
Does my child need Speech therapy

  •  If between birth and 3 months, does my child cry differently for different needs?
  •  If between birth and 5 months, does my child turn his or her head toward a sound source?
  •  If between 6 and 11 months, does my child babble and try to repeat sounds he/she hears?
  •  Does my child have difficulty expressing wants, needs, feelings or routine information intelligibly?
  •  Does my child seem to have difficulty maintaining adequate breath support while speaking?
  •  Does my child have speech that is slurred, has an abnormal rate or rhythm?
  •  Does my child have abnormal vocal qualities (raspiness, hoarseness, “loses voice” often, voice cracking, etc.)?
  •  Does my child grunt or yell often?
  •  By 1-2 years of age does my child use 2-word phrases?
  •  Does my child have difficulty following simple instructions?
  •  Is my child struggling in English or reading classes in school?
  •  Does my child have difficulty learning sounds to form words?
  •  Does my child enjoy being read to?
  •  Does my child tend to use gestures more often than words to communicate?
  •  By 3-4 years does my child use sentences of 4+ words?
  •  Does my child have difficulties with certain speech sounds (r, l, s, th, etc.)?
  •  Does my child speak in a pitch that seems too high or too low for his or her gender or age?
  •  Is my child difficult to understand, even by family members or caregivers?
  •  Does my child tend to omit consonants at the beginning or end of words?
  •  Is my child using single words rather than, if age appropriate, phrases and sentences?
  •  Does my child listen to the television or radio at a higher loudness level than other family members?
  •  Does my child hear me when I call to him/her from another room?
  •  Does my child tend to cough or choke when eating or drinking?